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Application deadline | Description | Eligibility | Budget | Criteria | Topic |
Timeline | FAQs
November 8, 2024; 5:00 PM ET.
Established in 2015, the Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program provides philanthropic support to extraordinary scholars and writers for high-caliber research in the humanities and social sciences. In 2023, Carnegie Corporation of New York announced a second phase of the program and a new focus on political polarization in the United States.
Fellowships of $200,000 are awarded annually to 30 scholars, authors, journalists, and public intellectuals. The funding is for a period of one or two years with the anticipated result of a book or major study.
The Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program is open only to citizens or permanent residents of the United States whose names have been forwarded by a nominator designated by Carnegie Corporation of New York. Nominators include heads of independent research institutes and learned societies, university presidents, leaders of some of the nation’s preeminent think tanks, directors of major publishers, as well as editors of leading newspapers and magazines. Individuals may not apply for the Fellows Program via self-nomination.
The Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program prohibits a fellowship winner from accepting a fellowship of equal caliber or at a comparable level of funding that overlaps the same timeline as the Carnegie fellowship, especially awards that have specific time requirements. However, smaller grants and project support are acceptable on a case-by-case basis.
Nominations are evaluated by the jury based on the following criteria:
The Corporation anticipates that the work of the Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program will explore the ways political polarization in the United States manifests itself in society and provide possible means to alleviate the problems. Studies of polarization in other countries will be welcomed providing they offer lessons that can be applied to the United States.
August 6 and September 5, 2024 | The call for nominations is emailed to heads of institutions |
November 8, 2024 | Deadline for nominees to submit application materials online — no later than 5:00 pm ET |
November 2024–April 2025 | Nominations reviewed. All nominees notified of results by mid-April |
Late April 2025 | Public announcement of 2025 class of fellows |
To be eligible, you must be a U.S. citizen or have permanent U.S. residency status. You must also be nominated by one of a designated group of individuals, who include leaders of universities, think tanks, and publishers. (Please write to acfellows@carnegie.org to find out if your institution is on our nomination list.)
University presidents may nominate one junior and one senior scholar. (You may not nominate two junior or two senior scholars.) Other nominators — e.g., the head of a university press, learned society, think tank, publisher, or newspaper — may nominate one candidate.
For the vast majority of universities a senior scholar is defined as any holder of a tenured post and a junior scholar as any holder of an untenured post (this includes tenure-track). For professional schools and other institutions which do not have tenure, a senior scholar is defined as one who received their terminal degree more than 10 years ago, and a junior scholar as one who received their terminal degree 10 years ago or less (2014 – 2024).
We welcome candidates holding a terminal degree other than a PhD. We also welcome candidates with exceptional experience that qualifies them as a senior professional or intellectual.
No indirect/overhead costs will be allowed or paid to the university. Fellows shall receive the entire grant for support of the research project.
Yes. However, one nominee will need to be the lead applicant and receive and administer the fellowship. Other contributors may be brought in as partners or consultants, including from the same institution.
The fellowship must begin on the first of the month between June and September of 2025. It is not possible to defer the start of the fellowship. It must begin no later than September 1, 2025.
Recipients have the choice of a 12-month or a 24-month fellowship.
Yes. The fellow may choose to receive the funding in one of two ways:
No, Carnegie Corporation of New York cannot provide tax advice. The fellow will need to consult a financial adviser. The fellow may allocate a portion of the fellowship to cover the cost of a tax consultation.
In nominating a scholar for this fellowship, a university is indicating its continuing support for that scholar and the administration’s intention to provide in-kind support such as full retirement and health benefits when the scholar takes time off to work on research and writing.
You may choose to receive the award over a one- or two-year period. During the selected period, you may opt to go on sabbatical for the entire fellowship or a portion of it. You may also choose to teach classes part-time and/or to work on the project over the summer. On the application, please specify the time you will allot to working on the project. This will allow our jurors to determine whether it is feasible for you to accomplish your goals.
Selected nominees will be notified by email shortly after the jury makes its final selections in late March 2025. If your nomination is unsuccessful, you will receive an email notification in April 2025.
Due to the large number of nominations that we receive, unfortunately, we are not able to respond to requests for feedback.
Candidates who have been nominated for the Fellows Program since the change of focus to polarization (i.e. who were nominated for the 2024 Fellowships) may not be nominated again during the current three-year period.
Yes. However, you must have an established relationship with the institution and that institution must also be on our nomination list. Please contact acfellows@carnegie.org for eligibility advice.